Fossil Beach


This rocky cobble beach extends a long way out from shore at low tide. From Phipps Point head east along Central Rd. to Savoie Rd. and turn left. At the end of the road there is a turnaround with very limited parking and a narrow woodland trail leading to the beach. Pooling of water occurs on the trail during wet weather.

At the base of the cliff is a pebbly and sandy beach. On your left, when the tide is out you can walk along the beachhead towards Phipps Point. To your right is Fossil Beach.

During the herring spawn numerous eagles and a variety of gulls occupy the rocky shores. Often offshore surf, whitewing and black scoters parade back and forth in large numbers. Ravens and blackbirds frequent the area.

The large sandy beach fronting the trailhead is enjoyed by young families in the summer months.

At low tides you can often find birds such as greater yellowlegs, black oystercatchers, mallard, American widgeon, Northern pintails and mergansers.

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